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Welcome to
Gel Wars

Gel Wars is a fun and safe alternative to paintball. It uses soft, gel-filled balls that burst on impact, making it perfect for players of all ages. Whether you're looking for a hobby or planning a team-building event,

Gel Wars is a great choice.


1 Hour Gel Party

 We provide

  • 10 Gel Blasters 

  • Non-toxic water-based beads

  • Eye protection and team vest

  • Complete Course Setup: Inside or out, we create the ultimate gaming environment.

  • Action-Packed Battles: Engage in Gel wars with friends and family.

  • Birthday Bliss: Your birthday star will be the hero of the day!

  • Hassle-Free Fun: We handle the setup and teardown.


2 Hour Gel Party

 We provide

  • 10 Gel Blasters 

  • Non-toxic water-based beads

  • Eye protection and team vest

  • Complete Course Setup: Inside or out, we create the ultimate gaming environment.

  • Action-Packed Battles: Engage in Gel wars with friends and family.

  • Birthday Bliss: Your birthday star will be the hero of the day!

  • Hassle-Free Fun: We handle the setup and teardown.

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